
PALS Global aims to train lawyers in the most excellent way by collaborating with international institutions.

PALS Global, as the legal unit of BAU Global universities, carries out the legal projects of the relevant universities. Bahçeşehir University, Bay Atlantic University, Berlin International, BAU International University Batumi and Bahçeşehir Cyprus University enrich their educational content through projects designed by PALS Global in the field of law. For example, architecture students at Berlin International can develop their skills in zoning law, while finance students at Bay Atlantic University develop their skills in economic law. In this context, PALS Global organizes events with the participation of BAU Global universities.

One of the most important goals of PALS Global is to create content and activities that will provide Turkish lawyers who will work abroad as lawyers, arbitrators or consultants with the skills to argue or defend before a foreign court in English.

PALS Global derives its effectiveness in law from the Advanced Legal Studies founded by Feridun Yenisey, which has been providing in-house training to lawyers for more than 20 years.


Feridun Yenisey (Member of Board of Trustees)

Feridun Yenisey (Member of Board of Trustees)

Ebubekir Çoltu (Member of the Board)

Ebubekir Çoltu (Member of the Board)

Aydın Atılgan (Member of the Board)

Aydın Atılgan (Member of the Board)

Sean Cox (Member of the Board)

Sean Cox (Member of the Board)

Peter Mantel (Member of the Board)

Peter Mantel (Member of the Board)

Girayhan Yılmaz (Member of the Board)

Girayhan Yılmaz (Member of the Board)

Matthew Williams (Member of Advisory Board)

Matthew Williams (Member of Advisory Board)

John Sonsteng (Member of Advisory Board)

John Sonsteng (Member of Advisory Board)

Stephen W. Mazza (Member of Advisory Board)

Stephen W. Mazza (Member of Advisory Board)

Köksal Bayraktar (Member of Advisory Board)

Köksal Bayraktar (Member of Advisory Board)

Berra Besler (Member of Advisory Board)

Berra Besler (Member of Advisory Board)

Fahrettin Demirağ (Member of Advisory Board)

Fahrettin Demirağ (Member of Advisory Board)

Durmuş Tezcan (Member of Advisory Board)

Durmuş Tezcan (Member of Advisory Board)

Phyllis Cox (PALS Professor)

Phyllis Cox (PALS Professor)

Rifat Çulha (PALS Professor)

Rifat Çulha (PALS Professor)

Steve Fury (PALS Professor)

Steve Fury (PALS Professor)

Vehbi Kahveci (PALS Professor)

Vehbi Kahveci (PALS Professor)

Mustafa Kaplan (PALS Professor)

Mustafa Kaplan (PALS Professor)

Naim Karakaya (PALS Professor)

Naim Karakaya (PALS Professor)

Tuğçe Duygu Köksal (PALS Professor)

Tuğçe Duygu Köksal (PALS Professor)

Ayşe Nuhoğlu (PALS Professor)

Ayşe Nuhoğlu (PALS Professor)

Salih Oktar (PALS Professor)

Salih Oktar (PALS Professor)

Rick Petry (PALS Professor)

Rick Petry (PALS Professor)

Margaret Phillips (PALS Professor)

Margaret Phillips (PALS Professor)

Julie Spector (PALS Professor)

Julie Spector (PALS Professor)

Bharti Yadav (PALS Professor)

Bharti Yadav (PALS Professor)

Hasan Can Bekci (Coordinator)

Hasan Can Bekci (Coordinator)

Deniz Demirel (Librarian Specialist)

Deniz Demirel (Librarian Specialist)

Mertkan Torun (Chief Assistant)

Mertkan Torun (Chief Assistant)

Buse Yalauç (Executive Assistant)

Buse Yalauç (Executive Assistant)



Hukuk Mesleklerine Giriş Sınavı: Ceza ve Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku Dersleri 2
Hükmün Açıklanmasının Geri Bırakılması
Duruşma Uygulamaları-17/19-
Duruşma Uygulamaları 4
Effective Advocacy Techniques
Hukuk Günceli 10
Yılbaşı Buluşması
Uzlaştırma Uygulamaları
Hâkimin Duruşmayı Yönetmesi-Anlattırıcı ve Çapraz Sorguda Hâkimin Rolü-Perspectives on Case and Courtroom Management (Tools for controlling lawyers, discussion of cross examination and suggestive questionaing, discussion of the benefits and challenges of jury trials)
Alman Hukukunda Alternatif Uyuşmazlık Çözüm Yöntemleri Seminerleri ve Kurgusal Dava Hazırlığı
Duruşma Uygulamaları-17/19-
Seri Muhakeme Usulü ve Kamu Davasının Açılmasının Ertelenmesi Kurumu
İnternete Erişim Hakkı
Legal English Writing Skills-2
Effective Advocacy Techniques - Final Submission
Basic Evidentiary Foundations and Instant Evidence with emphasis on how to use testimony to enhance the credibility of physical/documentary Evidence
The Future of Cities and Cities of the Future
Duruşma Uygulamaları-10/14-
Hukuk Günceli 10
Effective Advocacy Techniques (22-26 January 2024)
Hukuk Mesleklerine Giriş Sınavı: Ceza ve Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku Dersleri 1
Adli Kolluk Bir Suçu Nasıl Araştırır, Aydınlatır ve Delillendirir?
Almanya'da Cezai Savunma İlkeleri
Polisin Güvenliğini Sağladığı Yerlere Girişteki Önleme Araması
Plain Language Laws in the United States
Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi Kararları Işığında Türkiye'nin İnsan Hakları Uygulamalarına Kısa Bir Bakış
HAGB Hükmünün Anayasa Mahkemesince İptali
Önleme Araması
İnfaz Hukukunda Son Gelişmeler
Sorumluluk Yönünden Otonom Cerrahi Robotlar
Beni Etkileyen Davalar
Hukuk Eğitiminde Yapay Zeka
Introduction to Civil Investigation and Disclosure Where Do We Get "The File"
Robotik Cerrahideki Güncel Gelişmeler
The Role of Politicians in Nagorno-Karabakh Dispute
Anayasa Mahkemesinin 22.6.2023 tarihli ve 2023/113 Sayılı Kararı İle İptal Edilen Basit Yargılama Usulünde İtiraz
The Ten Commands on Direct and Cross Examination
Duruşma Uygulamaları 1
Direct and Cross-Examination
Alman Hukukunda Alternatif Uyuşmazlık Çözüm Yöntemleri Seminerleri ve Kurgusal Dava Hazırlığı
Avukatlıkta İhtisaslaşmak ve Başarılı Olmak
Legal Writing
Müdafiinin Ceza Dosyalarındaki Önemi ve Uygulamadan Örnekler
Hukuk Günceli 11
Duruşma Uygulamaları 2


Open To Everyone

Yıldız, Çırağan Cd. Bahçeşehir Ünv.
Meslek Yüksel Okulu F Blok No: 49,
34349 Beşiktaş / İstanbul